Recent Projects

2005  & 2006 Eagles Warmth Project

The 2005 Eagles Warmth Project was designed to benefit wounded US Armed Forces Troops from Iraq & Afghanistan during the 2005 Christmas Holiday/Yuletide Season.

When US Troops were wounded in action in Iraq or Afghanistan, they were airlifted by helicopter or rushed by land transport to nearby MASH units and/or USAF Aeromedical Field Hospitals before they are airlifted to military hospitals in Europe or the mainland United States. During their stay at the MASH or Aeromedical units they are placed on beds under a sheet or blanket sometimes wearing only hospital gowns. This makes the lengthy journey out of Iraq or Afghanistan sometimes cold and uncomfortable.

The 2005 Eagles Warmth Project sought to remedy this situation and provide warmth and dignity and a measure of sustainable comfort for those wounded. We collected donations of  sweat pants, sweat shirts, and warm socks for our wounded troops.

Eagles Wings Project

Operation:Eagle is always looking to help contribute Phone Calling Cards to troops overseas and in military and/or veterans hospitals. Also, support posters and banners are welcomed, especially by school-age children all across America. The posters & banners find their way overseas to military ships & units across the globe to help lift the morale & spirit of those serving in the Armed Forces.

This is an ongoing effort that you can participate in on a regular basis. To contribute to this effort, please contact us for additional information.

Eagles Voice Sunday

Churches, synagogues, and religious organizations across the USA are invited to hold special prayers during their services on behalf of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Normally these are encouraged and included on national holidays such as Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and Independence Day.

Operation:Eagle invites all clergy and churches and synagogues all across the USA to consider holding an Eagles Voice Sunday prayer time i on behalf of the troops and their families. Our military men & women stand "in harm's way" defending freedom and liberty. They are entrusted with mighty weapons and instruments awesome in power that are used to protect and preserve our freedom.

In over two decades of service and volunteerism and through continual interaction and correspondence with our troops and their families, the most requested means of support that they themselves desire is first & foremost that of prayer in their behalf and on behalf of their families back home.

A Gunnery Sergeant in the USMC once told Operation:Eagle that "Prayer is the mightiest weapon in the arsenal of freedom." Consider an Eagles Voice Sunday at your fellowship on behalf of the troops and their families.

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